Journal of Pedagogical Research (Jul 2021)
Digital transformation in assessment and evaluation course: The effects of Web 2.0 tools
This study aims at using a Web 2.0 tool supported-application to achieve digital transformation in an assessment and evaluation course. The study explored the effectiveness of application on the academic achievement, attitude and views of student teachers. Following a mixed-method research design, the quantitative part comprised the pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental research with a control group and the qualitative part utilized a case study. The study was performed in the education faculty of a state university with a total of 52 student teachers (25 in the experimental group and 27 in the control group). While the courses were supported by Web 2.0 tools in the experimental group, traditional teaching methods were applied in the control group for a 14-week course period. The assessment and evaluation achievement test and attitude scale were used to gather quantitative data, while an interview form about the learning environment supported by Web 2.0 tools and the researcher observation notes were used to obtain qualitative data. For the quantitative part of the study, t-tests were computed and the qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. The findings yielded a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. The findings of the content analysis showed that experimental group student teachers found the Web 2.0 tools-supported course more enjoyable, effective and attention-taking. Based on these results, suggestions have been made to change the monotonous higher education courses and design them in a way that will attract the attention of students with Web 2.0 tools.