Scripta Score Scientific Medical Journal (Sep 2023)

Gambaran Stretch Mark pada Siswi SMA Global Prima National Plus School

  • Rania Kamila,
  • Imam Budi Putra,
  • Dina Arwina Dalimunthe,
  • Fauzan Azmi Hasti Habibi Samosir,
  • Alfansuri Kadri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 24 – 29


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ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Stretch mark merupakan jenis skar atrofi pada kulit yang disebabkan oleh peregangan kulit yang berlebihan. Karakteristik stretch mark bervariasi tahap awal yaitu striae rubrae yang berwarna kemerahan, hingga tahap kronis yaitu striae albae, stretch mark yang halus dan berwarna putih. Prevalensi stretch mark pada populasi remaja dilaporkan berkisar antara 6% hingga 86%. Hal ini dapat terjadi diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor sehingga gambaran stretch mark pada remaja perempuan penting diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran stretch mark pada siswi SMA Global Prima National Plus School. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross-sectional study. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas XII SMA Global Prima National Plus School sebanyak 47 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar penelitian yang ditanyakan langsung kepada subjek penelitian lalu dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan fisik pada subjek penelitian secara langsung. Hasil. Stretch mark dijumpai pada 38 siswi dari 47 siswi dengan distribusi paling banyak pada usia 17 tahun (66%) dan reponden dengan usia menarche normal (51,1%) regio stretch mark terbanyak pada regio femur (25,4%) dan jenis stretch mark terbanyak yaitu striae albae (82,5%). Kesimpulan. Secara keseluruhan, sebagian besar subjek penelitian memiliki stretch mark, dimana paling banyak dijumpai pada subjek penelitian dengan IMT kategori normal dan pada subjek penelitian dengan riwayat keluarga memiliki stretch mark. Kata Kunci: Gambaran, stretch mark, striae albae, striae rubrae. ABSTRACT Background. Stretch mark is a a type of atrophic scar that was caused by excessive stretching of the skin. Stretch mark vary in the early stages as striae rubrae, are characterized with redness and the chronic stage, striae albae which appears white and wrinkly. The prevalence of stretch marks in the adolescent population reportedly ranged from 6% to 86%. This can occur due to several factors so that the picture of stretch marks in adolescent girls is important to know. Aim of this study is to describing stretch mark in Global Prima National Plus School high school students. Methods.This is a descriptive study with cross-sectional study design. The sample in this study were 47 students of SMA Global Prima National Plus School who met the inclusion criteria by using the purposive sampling method. Data acquired by using a research sheet that was asked directly to the research subject followed by physical examination of the research subject directly. Results. Stretch marks were found in 38 students from 47 students with the most distribution at the age of 17 years (66%) and research subject with normal menarche (51.1%) the most common location of stretch marks are in the femur region (25.4%) and the most common types of stretch marks are striae albae (82.5%). Conclusion. Overall, most of the research subjects had stretch marks, where majority of the research subjects had normal BMI with family history of stretch marks with normal BMI and in the research subjects with a family history of stretch marks. Key words: Descriptive, Stretch mark, striae albae, straie rubrae.
