Clinics and Practice (Dec 2015)
A case of maxillary bone metastasis from lung cancer
We experienced a very rare case of maxillary bone metastasis from lung cancer. The patient was a 77-year-old Japanese man with 1-month history of right alar swelling with hard pain as his chief complaint. Computed tomography scan showed a 1 cm length round lesion in the right nasal vestibule close to the pyriform fossa edge of the right maxillary bone. He had severe pulmonary dysfunction due to recurrent end stage lung cancer and diabetes. The expected remainder of his life would be half a year. Therefore, his very poor condition precluded general anesthesia. To relieve the nasal pain, shorten the stay in the hospital and improve the quality of life (QOL), we performed minimally invasive surgery under local anesthesia. Our minimally invasive surgery could improve QOL by relieving the hard nasal pain until the recurrence of cancer and enable the patient to live at home.