Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции (Oct 2022)
Improving road safety through professional selection of drivers taking into account psychophysiological qualities
The professional suitability of a driver in motor transport enterprises is often limited by medical indicators, age and experience. Having a driver’s license of category B or C, driving experience of at least 3 years and a candidate who has reached the age of 21, within a few months of training can become a bus driver. Taking into account the increased social responsibility of the bus driver’s professional activity, it is important to apply an integrated approach to recruitment. The relevance of the work is confirmed by the results of an experimental study of the influence of the level of development of psychophysiological qualities of drivers on accident rates. It was found that at the enterprise in which professional selection of drivers was carried out using psychophysiological testing, the accident rate is 62.5% less than at the enterprise in which testing was not carried out. The aim of the work is to improve road safety in the conditions of using a set of methods of professional selection of drivers, taking into account psychophysiological qualities. The paper uses methods of mathematical statistics, the content component for which was obtained using the software and hardware complex UPDK-MK “Driving School” JSC (Neurocom). As a result of the conducted research, the possibility of differentiating candidates for the position of driver by types of transport work at the stage of professional selection is proved, which helps to reduce potential driver errors, thereby increasing its reliability and driving safety. Of the total number of candidates, 58% showed a high level of psychophysiological qualities. The distribution of the shares of candidates by types of transport work has been established: urban freight transportation — 31%, intercity freight transportation — 16%, urban passenger transportation — 6% and intercity passenger transportation — 5%. The scientific novelty of the study is the share distribution of successful candidates for the driver’s position in the conditions of using a set of techniques that differ from the well-known ones in that at the stage of professional selection it allows differentiating candidates by types of transport work: urban and intercity, freight and passenger transportation. The practical significance of the study is to improve road safety through the use of a differentiated approach to the selection of drivers of motor transport companies, taking into account the transport work performed. Further research is aimed at creating a system for improving the psychophysiological characteristics of drivers and candidates for drivers.