Educación (Oct 2015)

Intrinsic connection between pragmatics and grammar

  • Jeremy W. Bachelor

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 47
pp. 7 – 26


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Previous studies suggest that grammar is a prerequisite to Language 2 or second/foreign language (L2) pragmatic acquisition, although high grammatical competence does not guarantee high pragmatic competence. This study more extensively examines the correlation between these two competencies. In the year 2013 at a North American university, 29 Spanish students at the intermediate-high level took a grammar test and a pragmatic test. The pragmatic test assessed requests, invitations, refusals, and apologies in Spanish. In comparing the two, the results suggest a positive relationship between pragmatic and grammatical competencies. Therefore, this research supports previous studies showing that the grammatical competence of students of foreign languages is necessary for the development of pragmatic competence; however, it is not sufficient for it in and of itself.
