Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья (Apr 2020)
Троянская война ассирийцев: редкое обозначение турецко-татарских войск в похвале Яну III Собескому / Trojan War and the Assyrian People: Rare Designation of Turkish-Tatar Troops in Praise of Jan III Sobieski
Glorifying the Military Exploits of the Newly Elected Polish King, the Authors of the “Praise” addressed to him, which was Later Translated into Russian, tied the Pole-defeated Detachments of the “Infidel” Turks and Crimean Tatars to People from the Territories of Assyria and Phrygia defeated by the Ancient Greeks. The Sources of this Assimilation are Revealed, Parallels with the Career of the New Polish Monarch are given, with Examples in Polish and Russian Literature showing the unusual comparison of Muslim Conquerors with Phrygian for the Works of the 17th Century Writers designations of Muslim Conquerors by Assyrians and Phrygians.