Data in Brief (Aug 2019)
Data on foliar nutrient concentration of invasive plants in the recipient habitat and their native habitat
Higher foliar nitrogen concentration in plants is often attributed to higher biomass assimilation and subsequently higher plant growth rate. To understand the underlying mechanism of extensive growth rate of an invasive plant, Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum), we analyzed the leaf tissue samples from the native and invaded habitats. In each habitat we selected 3 different locations with varying habitat characteristics (soil type, land use history and coexisting vegetation). Plant aboveground tissue collected from each site were analyzed for macro and micro nutrients. Total C and N were measured with a Truspec CN Analyzer. Total Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Mn, and P in plant tissue samples were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP –MS). Here we present the difference in foliar nutrient concentration of invasive plant species in their native habitats and invaded habitats. Keywords: Exotic invasive species, Plant growth