MedEdPORTAL (Apr 2016)
Sharing the Light: Teaching Different Levels of Learners
Abstract Introduction In the midst of a busy clinical settings, clinical educators need to maintain a safe learning environment, but this task can be challenging, especially with learners of different levels, needs, and cultures. In order to provide the requisite strategy and skill, we created this professional development workshop. Methods This workshop that aims to teach participants how to (1) establish a positive learning environment considering factors inherent in multicultural contexts, (2) identify strategies to support and respond to the different needs of multiple learners, (3) utilize recognized teaching tools to optimize limited teaching time, and (4) demonstrate support for residents as teachers. The workshop material includes videos for reflection and discussion, written scenarios for role play, laminated cards of two simple tools (SNAPPS and One-Minute Preceptor), and an evaluation form. The workshop engages participants in a brief interactive introduction and several exercises in small and large groups. Results This workshop has been presented in local, regional, and international conferences. The evaluations were favorable; using a 5-point Likert scale, the average overall rating was 4.3 for engagement and ability to use the tools. Participants were observed to use strategies they had learned in subsequent teaching encounters. Discussion Using simple tools and approaches to respond to different learners' needs can lighten the preceptors' burden and provide a safe, interactive, and productive learning experience.