Наукові горизонти (Jan 2019)
In response to global warming, nowadays we have opportunities to cultivate in all regions of our country those heat-loving crops previously considered to be only southern. In this article, we analyzed the last research about determination of special features of fennel growing technologies (sowing terms, planting distance, crops standards, fertilization, watering) in different regions of Ukraine and abroad. Chernivetskiy 3 is the most popular sorts of Fennel in Ukraine (growing season 130–150 days) Crimean sort (grows in 2 weeks later than Chernivetskiy 3), Chernivetskiy Local, Crimean Oksamit, Mercishor. Literature review demonstrated that Fennel yields varied from 0,56 to 1,66 t/ga. It was revealed that with the density changes of plants position (planting distance and crops standards) and also depending on terms of sowing biometric rates of Fennel changes: plants height, first line shoots quantity, weight of seeds. Presented the results of our own science research concerning ways of Fennel sowing influence on Fennel yields in Pollyssya. Our research proves that usage of different types of sowing change the biometric rates of plants. Maximum plants height (146 sm) maximum weight of seeds (0,93 g) and plants weight from 1 m2 (1360 g) was noted with providing of wide ways of planting distance (60 sm). In this case was foundthat on gray solodic middle loamy sodium sataratedglay soil Fennel regular provides a significant harvest of seeds. Maximum seeds productivity (0,78 t/ga) gives variant with planting distance 60 sm.