Distances et Médiations des Savoirs (Dec 2017)
Open Badges : Analyse des effets de leur mise à disposition selon deux modalités de tutorat (proactive ou réactive)
This study looks at the effects of proactive tutoring on an e-learning system using Open Badges. It is envisaged in a real learning context and involves 220 undergraduate university students. The study is based on three axes: the individual progress of the students, the learning process implemented and their perception of badges. The results of the study show that proactive tutoring encourages students to earn more badges and make more attempts at knowledge formative tests. Our correlation analyses show that proactive tutoring seems to modulate the link between the degree of fleeing learners and the number of badges obtained. If learners’ perception of badges is positive, we highlight that the more badges the student has obtained, the higher their sense of competence.