Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists (Jun 2018)
The aim of the paper was to present the ways for activities that municipalities could take to improve theirwaste management systems. The issue of waste management and shaping social attitudes in terms of theirdisposal is the domain of local governments. It closely fits the essence of sustainable local development. It isimportant for every community not only in the context of environmental protection, but also for socio-economicreasons. There is a wide variety of solutions for the disposal of waste. According to the authors, sustainabledevelopment of this sphere of human life and activity can be more effectively implemented when the attitudesand opinions of residents are known. It can then be done by searching for and implementing patterns adaptedto local conditions. On the example of the Biecz commune located in the Małopolskie province, the functioningof the local waste management system was presented in the light of the existing secondary data and the resultsof own surveys. Real problems were discussed and ways to overcome them were proposed.