Lea (Dec 2018)
Arrigo Lora Totino, “architetto di parole”: dalle verbotetture ai cromofonemi
The paper proposes an analysis of the first phase of the artistic-literary activity of Arrigo Lora Totino, from the review Antipiugiù to the “concrete turn” of the 1960s, in relation to the diffusion of concrete experimentation in Germany and Brasil, and in relation to the development of kinetic and programmed art in Italy. In particular, the characters of programmed art, described by Umberto Eco in two important contributions of the early Sixties, show a connection with the theoretical reflection of Totino and the composition of the first “verbotectures”, in relation to the concepts of seriality and variation. This is evident in works like Space and Time and in the “chromophoneme” In sleep, the dream, of which a textual analysis is carried out.