Chengshi guidao jiaotong yanjiu (Aug 2024)

Quantitative Assessment Method of Emergency Disposal Operation Complexity for Urban Rail Transit Key Driving Post Personnel in Unattended Train Operation Mode

  • ZHAO Yanqun,
  • ZHU Haiyan,
  • LIU Zhigang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 8
pp. 113 – 118


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Objective With the increasing automation levels in urban rail transit, drivers responsible for operation in GOA2 (semi-automated train operation) mode become the multitasking personnel responsible for monitoring and inspecting compartments in GOA4 (unattended train operation) mode. The emergency disposal operation procedure has changed as a result. To achieve a more refined analysis and evaluation of urban rail transit train operations in the GOA4 mode, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study on the quantitative assessment method for the emergency disposal operation complexity in terms of key driving post personnel. Method Based on standardized operating procedures, the WDA (work domain analysis) method is used to establish an information structure diagram for key driving post personnel. The emergency disposal operation complexity in terms of key driving post personnel under both GOA2 and GOA4 modes is analyzed from four aspects of information quantity, operation logic, operational scale, and overall complexity. Using door malfunction emergency disposal operations as example, the emergency disposal operation complexity for key driving post personnel in both modes is calculated, and two-tailed Pearson test is carried out for site standardized operational score rate correlation verification. Result & Conclusion The correlation test results show that the correlation coefficient of vehicle door fault emergency disposal operations is -0.827, significance level is 0.042, the complexity of the operation and the score rate is negatively correlated, validating the effectiveness of the SC (step complexity) model.
