Russian Journal of Education and Psychology (Apr 2024)
This article explores the complex relationship between education and upbringing, focusing on the differences in content and their concrete embodiment in the process of civilizational development. Pursuing diverse goals, these approaches have shaped different ideals of desired outcomes in personal development. Establishing parallels with the phenomenon of education - upbringing in a historical perspective, the author aims to study the tendencies of change in the relationship between the processes of education and upbringing in the historical context. In order to achieve this goal, it seems necessary to solve a number of tasks: to determine the optimal correlation of the main aspects of this phenomenon in order to achieve maximum efficiency in the educational process of today; to trace the changes from the time when education and training were inseparable processes aimed at preparing people for the challenges of life in the context of emerging social structures, to the current problems of setting specific goals and methods of achieving them in the context of exponential acceleration of the need to acquire knowledge and master skills; to present a reasonable proof of the position on the dialectical contradiction of diverse manifestations of a single process that forms mental attitudes - knowledge, skills and rules of their application in life. The following methods were used to investigate the complex relationship between education and upbringing: literature review, historical analysis, qualitative and quantitative research, comparative analysis. The combination of these methods provided a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the complex interrelationships between education and upbringing, as well as highlighted various aspects of their influence on the formation of personality and socio-cultural processes. Results. With the development of society, the growth of wealth and the emergence of the state, the social interaction of team members became a priority. The ability to co-exist in a developing society became increasingly vital. This led to a gradual divergence in the concept of "education" into two different streams: the development of character traits on the one hand and the formation of social skills and norms on the other. The author, relying on the historical context, analyses the evolution of the relationship between education and upbringing, concludes that it is necessary to reassess their contemporary unity and the possibility of harmonious combination of diverse educational and upbringing goals. Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in the field of higher education.