Journal of Fungi (Mar 2023)
Development of a Multiplex qPCR Assay for Fast Detection and Differentiation of Paracoccidioidomycosis Agents
Classic paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a potentially deadly neglected tropical systemic mycosis caused by members of the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis complex (P. brasiliensis s. str., P. americana, P. restrepiensis, and P. venezuelensis) and P. lutzii. The laboratorial diagnosis of PCM relies on observing pathognomonic structures such as the “steering wheel” or “Mickey Mouse” shape in the direct mycological examination, fresh biopsied tissue in 10% KOH, histopathological analysis, and/or the isolation of the fungus in culture. However, these procedures are time-consuming and do not allow for the speciation of Paracoccidioides due to overlapping morphologies. Here, we propose a new one-tube multiplex probe-based qPCR assay to detect and recognize agents of the P. brasiliensis complex and P. lutzii. Primers (Paracoco-F and Paracoco-R) and TaqMan probes (PbraCx-Fam, Plu-Ned, and Paracoco-Vic) were developed to target the rDNA (ITS2/28S) in the Paracoccidioides genome. A panel of 77 Paracoccidioides isolates revealed a 100% specificity (AUC = 1.0, 95% CI 0.964–1.000, p TUB1-RFLP markers (kappa = 1.0). As a proof of concept, we assessed a panel of 16 formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded specimens from histopathologically confirmed PCM patients to reveal a significant sensitivity of 81.25% and specificity of 100% (AUC = 0.906 ± 0.05, 95% CI = 0.756–0.979, p p < 0.0001, Youden index J = 1.0). Overall, our qPCR assay simplifies the molecular diagnosis of PCM and can be easily implemented in any routine laboratory, decreasing a critical bottleneck for the early treatment of PCM patients across a vast area of the Americas.