Pessoa Plural (Dec 2024)
Pessoa na voz de Pessoa: A tradução inglesa de O Banqueiro Anarchista
Among the multiple facets of Fernando Pessoa, that of translator has occupied a significant part of recent studies. Pessoa not only wrote about his vision of literary translation but was also himself a translator, rendering into Portuguese, English, and French texts by other authors, such as Edgar Allan Poe or José de Espronceda. This article will analyze one of the cases in which Pessoa acted not as a translator of other authors, but of himself, partially translating into English one of his most emblematic works: The Anarchist Banker. The translation choices, the interpretative implications in English, and the alterations in relation to the original text in Portuguese will be examined, analyzing how the author proposed new approaches for specific passages, this time not through his usual re-editions and revisions of supposedly finished works, but through translation.