Fon (Oct 2021)


  • Sudjalil Sudjalil,
  • Gigit Mujianto,
  • Rudi Rudi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 2
pp. 216 – 233


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ABSTRAK: Dilaksanakannya penelitian melalui pendekatan fonologi generatif ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses dan kaidah fonologis bahasa webinar khususnya bidang pendidikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan model analisis Mile Huberman. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah empat rekaman video webinar. Data penelitian berupa kata yang secara fonetis merepresentasikan tipologi fonologis bahasa webinar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses fonologis meliputi 1) asimilasi bertipe regresif, total, parsial, dan langsung, 2) pelemahan bunyi bertipe aferesis, sinkop, dan apokop, sedangkan penguatan bunyi bertipe protesis, epentesis, paragog, dan peluncuran, 3) netralisasi terjadi pada perubahan fonetis bunyi [b] menjadi bunyi [p], dan bunyi [d] menjadi [t] terjadi pada suku kata akhir (koda), 4) disimilasi terjadi secara langsung yang ditandai berubahnya deret konsonan [jj] menjadi [rj], deret konsonan [tt] menjadi [pt], deret konsonan [rr] menjadi [l], dan deret konsonan [ll] menjadi [j], 5) metatesis terjadi karena perubahan letak bunyi KKV dalam silabel menjadi KVK. Pengaidahan fonologis didasarkan fitur distingtif fonem dan penggunaan notasi fitur distingtif. KATA KUNCI: bahasa webinar; fonologi generatif; tipologi PHONOLOGICAL TYPOLOGY IN THE WEBINAR LANGUAGE OF EDUCATION (STUDY OF GENERATIVE PHONOLOGY) ABSTRACT: This current generative phonology study is aimed at describing the processes as well as the phonological patterns of webinar language, specifically in the education field. Descriptive qualitative design was employed; the data analysis was conducted by means of Miles Huberman model. The data were collected from the webinar recordings. Data in the form of words that phonetically represent phonological typologies of webinar language. It has been revealed that the phonological processes include 1) assimilation with the types of regressive, total, partial, and direct; 2) sound attenuation with the types of apheresis, syncope, and apocope; while sound reinforcement is evident by means of prosthesis, epenthesis, paragoge, and gliding; 3) neutralization from the sound of [b] into [p], and the sound [d] into [t] in the last syllable (coda); 4) dissimilation that occurs directly demonstrated by the alteration of consonant cluster [jj] into [rj], consonant cluster [tt] into [pt], consonant cluster [rr] into [l], and consonant cluster [ll] into [j]; 5) metathesis occurs due to the alteration of sound position of CCV into CVC in a syllable. Phonological patterns are based on phoneme distinctive features and the use of distinctive feature notation. KEYWORDS: webinar language; generative phonology; typologies