Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença (Apr 2024)
Dance Narratives by a Black Artist Mirroring the Knowledge and Concepts of Fe-male Black Authors
Dance Narratives by a Black Artist Mirroring the Knowledge and Concepts of Fe-male Black Authors – This article presents aspects of the life and professional narratives of a Black dance artist, Rubens Oliveira, and how his sensitive, poetic and creative experience as a Black man op-poses stereotypes of hegemonic masculinities. The aim of this article is to highlight the life story of a Black Brazilian man who makes dance his profession. Issues concerning the process of being a Black man in Brazil are problematised, using Conceição Evaristo’s (2020) concept of escrevivência (writexperi-ence)and Lélia Gonzalez’s (1988) concept of amefricanidade (Amefricanity). The article, mostly based on Black authors, highlights Black epistemologies as a form of representation.