Leida xuebao (Aug 2022)
Spectrally Compatible Waveform Design for MIMO Radar Based on ABSUM Method
This paper proposes a joint design method to optimize the transmit waveforms and receive filter bank in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) structure ensuring spectral compatibility with the surrounding communication service network. Considering the signal-dependent clutter interference, under the constraints of transmission energy, waveform similarity and spectrum compatibility, the formulated optimization problem of the output Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) maximization is NP-hard. Toward this end, an auxiliary variable is first introduced to modify the original problem, and then a primal-dual algorithm based on the Alternating Block Successive Upper-bound Minimization (ABSUM) method is developed to deal with the resulting problem. Furthermore, an interior point method is used to handle the quadratic programming problem involved in each update procedure of the devised ABSUM method. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art methods in terms of the optimized SINR, beampattern, computational complexity and ambiguity properties.