Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología (Jan 2011)
Función sexual autoinformada en mujeres venezolanas con menopausia natural y quirúrgica
Antecedentes: La función sexual femenina es un importante indicador de la calidad de vida, la cual puede verse afectada al llegar la menopausia. Objetivos: Comparar la función sexual en mujeres con menopausia natural y quirúrgica que acuden a la consulta de ginecología del Hospital "Dr. Pedro García Clara", Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Método: Investigación de tipo comparativa y aplicada, con diseño no experimental, contemporáneo y de campo; que incluyó una muestra de 80 pacientes con diagnóstico de menopausia, divididas en dos grupos de acuerdo al tipo de menopausia y evaluadas mediante el Índice de Función Sexual Femenina (IFSF). Resultados: Hubo diferencias significativas (pBackground: Female sexual function is an important indicator of quality of life, which may be affected to reach menopause. Aims: To compare sexual function in women with natural and surgical menopause attending at the gynecology consultation in the "Dr. Pedro García Clara" Hospital, Zulia state, Venezuela. Methods: A comparative and applied type research with non-experimental, contemporary and field design, which included a sample of 80 patients diagnosed with menopause, divided into two groups according to type of menopause and evaluated by the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Results: We found a significant differences (p<0.05) in hysterectomized women as to indicators excitation frequency, frequency of orgasm and pain after penetration, as well as the dimensions desire orgasm and pain. While the points achieved in both groups showed no significant differences between them, hysterectomized women showed better scores. Conclusion: It is concluded that there are no differences in the general sexual function between natural or surgical menopause, except for desire, orgasm and pain.