Single Al wires from unused AAAC (A50) cables were studied after laboratory fatigue testing, which simulated processes arising in these wires during their operation in the cables of overhead power lines (OPLs) and are valuable for predicting the lifespan of cables of OPLs. These wires, which were either fractured during testing (maximum loads—149.4–155.9 MPa; number of cycles till rupture—83,656–280,863) or remained intact, were examined by X-ray diffraction, electron backscatter diffraction, densitometry, and acoustic methods. An analysis of the structural, microstructural, and elastic-microplastic properties of the wires revealed common characteristics inherent in the samples after operation in OPLs and after fatigue tests, namely a decrease in the integral and near-surface layer (NSL) densities of the wires, a decrease in their Young’s modulus and microplastic stress, and an increase in the decrement. However, the tests did not fully reproduce the environmental influence, since in contrast to the natural conditions, no aluminum-oxide crystallites were formed in NSLs in tests and the microstructure was different. A comparison of the characteristics of the broken and unbroken wires allows us to suggest that the fastening locations of the wires are crucial for their possible failure.