Archives of Electrical Engineering (Mar 2020)
Transmission characteristics of the mobile inductively coupled power transfer system for dual transmitters and pickups based on PSpice
In order to meet the application requirements of high-power mobile inductively-coupled power transfer (ICPT) equipment, the structure of the dual transmitter and pickup can be used to improve the transmission power of the ICPT system. However, this structure cannot easily describe the change of the mutual inductance parameter in the moving state, making the mathematical model difficult to establish. The change of load parameters during the movement will affect the current and voltage at the transmitter and pickup coils. Aiming at these problems, this paper proposes a dual transmitter and pickup ICPT system based on inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) compensation network, and analyzes its power trans- mission efficiency. By setting the shape and size of the coil, the influence of the change of the mutual inductance parameters on the system efficiency during the movement is reduced. The changes of the mutual inductance parameters of the ICPT system under the moving state are simulated by changing the coupling coefficient in the PSpice software. The results show that the structure of the ICPT system used in this paper can improve the output power and reduce the influence of the system when the load changes.