Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jun 2003)

大學同步遠距課程互動問題之探討 : 以淡江大學為例 Case Study on Interaction Issues for a college Synchronous Distance Instruction Course

  • Chiung-Sui Chang,
  • Yi-Hsin Chen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 40, no. 4
pp. 525 – 533


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根據文獻得知,老師對學生、學生對學生、傳播媒介對學生、教學媒體對學生等互動面向是遠距課程進行的恨本要素。本丈之主耍研究目的為:於大學同步遠距課程進行中互動問題如何影響學生學習。在研究工具方面,分別採用問卷調查、訪談與觀察等方法。本文研究結果指出,互動問題在遠距學習環境中確實扮演著影響學生學習的主要因素,最後也提供一些建議以供參考。According to the literature, all the interaction among instructor, students, instructional material & media are essential for instructional process in distance education The purpose of this study was to investigate how interaction issues affect students learning in a synchronous distance instruction course at college level Interview, questionnaire, and observation three methods were used in this study The findings of this study are showed that the interaction issues are playing a major factor to affect students learning in a distance learning environment Some suggestions are also made in this study.
