Preventing Chronic Disease (Apr 2008)

Cost of Starting Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs: Results From Five Federally Funded Demonstration Programs

  • Janet Royalty, MS,
  • James Gardner, MSPH,
  • A. Blythe Ryerson, MPH,
  • Marion Nadel, PhD,
  • Florence K. L. Tangka, PhD,
  • Sujha Subramanian, PhD,
  • Bela Bapat, MS,
  • Laura C. Seeff, MD,
  • Amy DeGroff, MPH

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Vol. 2


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IntroductionIn 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) started a 3-year colorectal cancer screening demonstration project and funded five programs to explore the feasibility of a colorectal cancer program for the underserved U.S. population. CDC is evaluating the five programs to estimate implementation cost, identify best practices, and determine the most cost-effective approach. The objectives are to calculate start-up costs and estimate funding requirements for widespread implementation of colorectal cancer screening programs.MethodsAn instrument was developed to collect data on resource use and related costs. Costs were estimated for start-up activities, including program management, database development, creation of partnerships, public education and outreach, quality assurance and professional development, and patient support. Monetary value of in-kind contributions to start-up programs was also estimated.ResultsStart-up time ranged from 9 to 11 months for the five programs; costs ranged from $60,602 to $337,715. CDC funding and in-kind contributions were key resources for the program start-up activities. The budget category with the largest expenditure was labor, which on average accounted for 67% of start-up costs. The largest cost categories by activities were management (28%), database development (17%), administrative (17%), and quality assurance (12%). Other significant expenditures included public education and outreach (9%) and patient support (8%).ConclusionTo our knowledge, no previous reports detail the costs to begin a colorectal cancer screening program for the underserved population. Start-up costs were significant, an important consideration in planning and budgeting. In-kind contributions were also critical in overall program funding. Start-up costs varied by the infrastructure available and the unique design of programs. These findings can inform development of organized colorectal cancer programs.
