مطالعات زن و خانواده (Mar 2014)
Prediction of Death Obsession According to Religious Orientation and Neurotic Personality Type in Female Nurses of Tehran
This study aimed to investigate the prediction of death obsessionthrough religious orientation and neurotic personality type of femalenurses of Tehran hospitals.The method used in the study wascorrelation and multiple regression analysis. The population of thestudy included all female nurses of private hospitals in Tehran (Laleh,Dey, Apadana, Asia, Azadi, Tehran, KhatamolanbIya, and Fajr) in2012. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16 and was examinedusing Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regressionanalysis. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that 30%of the variance death obsession is explained by death predictorvariables (extrinsic religious orientation and neurotic personalitytype). The relationship between extrinsic religious orientation withobsession death (p<0/01), intrinsic religious orientation (p <0/01),and neurotic individual type (p<0/01) is significant. It can beconcluded that extrinsic religious orientation and personality type canlead to the formation of neurotic and obsessively ruminative thoughtsabout death and its various aspects.