Education in the Knowledge Society (Nov 2015)
University Professor´s evaluation: Does a higher category make a better professor?
This article analyses the results from the professor´s evaluation that the students of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca made. The methodology used is quantitative and the tool that has been used is a questionnaire applied to 1.200 people and obtained by stratified sampling. 177 professors have been evaluated in 257 different subjects. The results show the importance of the evaluation made by the students since they are the best observers of the learning-teaching process although there can be a bias due to diverse issues like the professor´s professional category which is the specific topic that we analyze in this research. The perceptions of 4198 students show that the professional category has a great influence in considering professors better or worse professionals. eden darse sesgos debido a diversos factores como puede ser la categoría profesional del profesor, variable que estudiamos en este trabajo. Así, las percepciones de los 4198 alumnos destacan que en algunos aspectos influye la categoría profesional del profesor para considerarle mejor o peor profesor.