Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (Oct 2020)

Pandemics, crisis conjunctures, and professional practices: what is the role of nursing with regard to Covid-19?

  • Helena Maria Scherlowski Leal David,
  • Sonia Acioli,
  • Maria Rocineide Ferreira da Silva,
  • Osvaldo Peralta Bonetti,
  • Hozana Passos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42, no. spe


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ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the role of Brazilian nursing to face political, economic and sanitary challenges that compose the crisis situation related to Covid-19 pandemics. Methods: Critical-thinking study with analytics characteristics, based on latin-american critical epidemiology and on the concept of social determination of health. Results: the central issues related to the Brazilian political-economic and health scenario are problematized, with emphasis on the impacts in terms of social inequality deepening. Nursing role is discussed considering the impacts in these worker’s health, and the relevance of nurses’ actions in the several professional practice scenarios to defend social protection. Conclusions: the role of Brazilian nursing as a social practice for the defense of life and universal access to health is reaffirmed as a way of achieving social justice.
