Hypertension in Pregnancy (Apr 2019)

Dysregulation of circulating sTie2 and sHER2 in HIV-infected women with preeclampsia

  • Mduduzi Mazibuko,
  • Jagidesa Moodley,
  • Thajasvarie Naicker

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38, no. 2
pp. 89 – 95


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Objective: This study assesses whether circulating sTie2 and sHER2 are altered in HIV-negative and HIV-positive pregnant normotensive and preeclamptic women. Methods: Serum samples were obtained from 80 pregnant women, stratified into four groups, namely, HIV-negative normotensives (20); HIV-positive normotensives (20); HIV-negative preeclamptics (20); and HIV-positive preeclamptics (20). The concentration of sTie2 and sHER2 was analyzed by Bio-Plex multiplex immunoassay and generated from a standard curve. Results: sTie2 differed significantly by pregnancy type (p = 0.0403) but not by HIV status (p = 0.5214). sHER2 did not show a significant difference between normotensive and preeclampsia (p = 0.3677) and by HIV status (p = 0.5249). Conclusion: Irrespective of HIV status, reduced concentrations of sTie2 were evident in preeclampsia (PE) reflecting a dysregulation of the angiogenic process. sHER2 was similar between pregnancy types, attributable to the oxidative stressed microenvironment which promotes dysregulation of the MAPK and P13K/Akt signaling. HIV status did not influence sTie2 and sHER2 expression, reflecting the immune reconstitution of highly active antiretroviral therapy. sTie2 and sHER2 were not influenced by PE comorbid with HIV infection.
