South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Aug 2014)

Colon cancer presenting as a hepatic mass in pregnancy: A case report and review of the literature

  • Emeka Orie,
  • Nnabuike Ngene,
  • Thinagrin Naidoo,
  • Jagidesa Moodley

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 2
pp. 60 – 62


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The incidences of hepatic masses and colon cancer in pregnancy are low. The clinical features of each can mimic those of pregnancy, thereby posing a diagnostic challenge to clinicians, particularly when the clinical scenario is complicated by HIV infection. This report illustrates such diagnostic difficulties, and the need to offer diagnostic colonoscopy to HIV-infected pregnant women who present with both a hepatic mass and minor gastrointestinal symptoms. It also highlights an approach to the management of colon carcinoma presenting as a hepatic mass in pregnancy.