Dini Araştırmalar (Nov 2015)

İbn Sina Felsefesinde Bir (Vahid) ve Birlik (Vahde) Anlayışı

  • İbrahim Maraş

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 30
pp. 41 – 54


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In this article we took in hand Ibn Sina (Avicenna)’s philosophy about the notions of “One [Vahid)” and Unity (Vahde) and we tried to determine the roots of Ibn Sina’s thoughts. It is obvious that Ibn Sina was influenced by Aristotle, Plato, Plotinus and mainly, of course, Farabi. Like other thinkers influenced by Aristotle and Plotinus, Ibn Sina maintained that there was a hierarchy of intelligent beings in the universe. This scheme led some critics to call him a pantheist. But these accusations are implausible, because he was influenced by Quran and believed that the world is a creation of God. And in his philosophy the existence of beings that do not exist by an inner necessity of their natures points to the existence of the necessary being, One or God. Only a first cause that exists necessarily can explain the existence of every other being. As a result everything, in relation to the first cause, is created. Therefore, every single thing, except the primal One, exists after not having existed with respect to itself
