Educação: Teoria e Prática (Jul 2010)

Participative Institutional Assessment in Public Elementary Schools

  • Geraldo Antonio Betini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 35
pp. 117 – 132


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One of nowadays issues on education is related to the participation of the communityon the school’s life. Community is understood as all the actors at school, it means,directors, teachers, employees, students and parents. The objective of this text is topresent some highlighted categories on the deployment of the Participative InstitutionalAssessment in public elementary schools. These categories have risen from PhDresearch done at UNICAMP on public elementary schools in Campinas-SP. Previouslyexisting participation works, as well as the role of the direction, appear as a fundamentalaspect on the deployment of the Participative Institutional Assessment. From thisprocess, the importance of the public power is not excluded, which can improve theobjective work conditions of school through public policies. The Participative InstitutionalAssessment presents itself as a possibility aiming for social education quality offered topopular levels which have the public schools as one of the few opportunities of acquiringthe knowledge accumulated by mankind.
