Scientific Reports (May 2023)
A quadratic time-dependent quantum harmonic oscillator
Abstract We present a Lie algebraic approach to a Hamiltonian class covering driven, parametric quantum harmonic oscillators where the parameter set—mass, frequency, driving strength, and parametric pumping—is time-dependent. Our unitary-transformation-based approach provides a solution to our general quadratic time-dependent quantum harmonic model. As an example, we show an analytic solution to the periodically driven quantum harmonic oscillator without the rotating wave approximation; it works for any given detuning and coupling strength regime. For the sake of validation, we provide an analytic solution to the historical Caldirola–Kanai quantum harmonic oscillator and show that there exists a unitary transformation within our framework that takes a generalized version of it onto the Paul trap Hamiltonian. In addition, we show how our approach provides the dynamics of generalized models whose Schrödinger equation becomes numerically unstable in the laboratory frame.