پژوهش نامه معارف قرآنی (May 2015)
Socio-political Foundations of the Movement of Imam Hussein in the Quran
The purpose of the Quranic principles is accepted assumptions that underpin the Quranic teachings of Imam Hussein’s uprising of the movement of Imam Hussein. According to tradition of Thaqalayn, the movement of Imam Hussein must be based on the Quranic teachings. The author believes that close consideration of Quranic basics of movement, which have been understudied, can provide a more complete understanding of his uprising. This article adopted descriptive and analytical methods to examine some of the socio-political foundations of Imam Hussein’s movement through examination of such Quranic concepts as reform, the fight with Oppression, migration for Allah, promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, war and justice. Recognition of these principles in addition to the theism of Imam Hussein’s movement clarify the Quranic task of Muslims to fulfill their duties and act accordingly in similar circumstances.