Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology (Jan 2014)
Portuguese writers and scientists exiled in Brazil
This article analyses the relationship and tensions between cosmopolitanism and particularism in the way in which the subject of exile is broached in the life stories, works and ideas of the Portuguese writers Adolfo Casais Monteiro, Jorge de Sena and Vitor Ramos, and scientists Antonio Aniceto Monteiro, Antonio Brotas, Alfredo Pereira Gomes, José Morgado and Ruy Luis Gomes, who lived in Brazil between 1945 and 1974. The careers and experiences of these individuals were characterised by a way of relating to the world marked by continuous exclusion from the centres of hegemonic power, as well as by the establishment of connections and networks of varying degrees. In this sense, this article also focuses on the personal and collective trajectories of the characters and how it is related to the boundaries of belonging that they established during their lives.