Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi (Dec 2018)
„Nie poszliśmy więc do polityki. Ale oto polityka przyszła do nas” ‒ rola bibliotekarza w okresie stalinowskim (w świetle materiałów zamieszczanych na łamach polskich czasopism zawodowych)
Polish librarianship in the stalinist period (1948-1956) had to face new challenges. In the changed political and social reality, both the role of a librarian and the functions performed by public and scientific libraries had to be redefined. The profile of vocational education also changed. From the various materials (papers, guidelines of the party and departmental authorities, reports, protocols of the Polish Librarians and Archivists Union) published in professional journals of the time – „Przegląd Biblioteczny”, „Bibliotekarz” and „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” – it appears that librarians had to focus on the ideological aspect of their work, educating the reader in the socialist spirit.