A New Paradigm in 5G Maximum Power Extrapolation for Human Exposure Assessment: Forcing gNB Traffic Toward the Measurement Equipment
Marco Donald Migliore,
Daniele Franci,
Settimio Pavoncello,
Enrico Grillo,
Tommaso Aureli,
Sara Adda,
Riccardo Suman,
Stefano D'Elia,
Fulvio Schettino
Marco Donald Migliore
Dipartimento di Ingegeria Elettrica e dell’Informazione “Maurizio Scarano” (DIEI), University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy
Daniele Franci
Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale del Lazio (ARPA Lazio), Rome, Italy
Settimio Pavoncello
Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale del Lazio (ARPA Lazio), Rome, Italy
Enrico Grillo
Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale del Lazio (ARPA Lazio), Rome, Italy
Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale del Lazio (ARPA Lazio), Rome, Italy
Sara Adda
Dipartimento Rischi Fisici e Tecnologici, Arpa Piemonte, Ivrea, Italy
Riccardo Suman
Group Network, Mobile Access Engineering, Vodafone Italia SpA, Ivrea, Italy
Stefano D'Elia
Group Network, Mobile Access Engineering, Vodafone Italia SpA, Ivrea, Italy
Fulvio Schettino
Dipartimento di Ingegeria Elettrica e dell’Informazione “Maurizio Scarano” (DIEI), University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy
5G base stations usually use different beams to transmit broadcast and user data. Moreover the broadcast beam is always “on air”, whilst the traffic beam is not. This represents a problem in Maximum Power Extrapolation (MPE) procedures for exposure assessment. In fact, currently adopted measurement approaches are based on the mere observation of phenomena. Recently, a different approach for MPE has been proposed by Adda et al., 2020, forcing the traffic toward the measuring position by means of a dedicated User Equipment (UE). Consequently, the measurer loses the “passive” role assumed in the approach usually adopted, and acquires an active role forcing the system under test to assume the most suitable configuration. The use of beam-forcing UEs opens new exciting possibilities, since it makes it possible to take advantage of the UE-specific signals for the estimation for the MPE procedure. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential offered by UE-specific data structures within the MPE considering a real case regarding data acquired on a currently operative 5G base station.