Вестник Российского экономического университета имени Г. В. Плеханова (Mar 2024)
Dynamic Approach to the Development of Basic Management Tools in Processes of Strategic Management
The article provides results of methodological research dealing with dynamics of basic management tool development used in strategic management. These tools used for elaborating strategy of companies in different industries proved their practical usefulness and caused no doubt in the necessity of their use for many decades. However, objective changes in the world, including the sphere of strategic management have led to the need to revise a number of key methods and tools of management used for strategy elaboration. Extreme complexity of today’s world results in diversity of approaches and tools for shaping and realizing strategies. The author substantiated the necessity of this revision and described outdated components of the SWOT-analysis, the method of management by goals, SMART criteria in goal-setting, development of business-processes, forecasting and some other methods. Serious changes in using these methods in advanced companies were discussed and necessary upgrading connected with growing dynamic and controversy of processes in internal and external environment was highlighted. The use of renewed management tools in strategic management can allow us to get serious results both in strategy elaboration and in its actualization and realization in practice.