Българско е-Списание за Археология (Jun 2024)
Ottoman gunpowder artillery in Bulgaria: archaeological and textual evidence
The paper examines specific artifacts – stone balls of various sizes – that constitute significant material remnants of Ottoman military history in Bulgaria. While historical records confirm the existence of Ottoman gunpowder artillery in the region, archaeological research has contributed little to its study. This is largely due to the misdating and misinterpretation of these stone balls. Through careful analysis of publicly available archaeological data and historical sources, this study presents a new perspective on using gunpowder artillery and stone projectiles in Ottoman Bulgaria. It contends that most of these artefacts were integral to the Ottoman military arsenal, challenging previous assumptions that limited them to medieval ammunition. The study provides compelling evidence for the existence of Ottoman-era stone projectiles at several sites, including Cherven, Shumen, Nikopol, Silistra, Kaliakra, and Svishtov. This evidence is corroborated by historical records, which underscore the undeniable presence of Ottoman artillery in the region, particularly in the areas between the Danube and the Balkan Mountains, which remained a vulnerable frontier zone in contrast to the land south of the mountains. Crucially, this research underscores the need for more precise archaeological documentation, comprehensive artefact descriptions, thorough contextual information, and multidisciplinary research to understand the complex history of these stone projectiles fully.