Problemi Ekonomiki (Mar 2017)
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Conducting Predictive Evaluation of the Balanced Development of Recreation in Ukraine
The aim of the article is to improve the principles of predictive evaluation of the recreation development and methods used on their basis in view of the dynamic balance in the management system of the national economy. The approaches and principles of predicting the balanced development of recreation in the management system of the national economy are enhanced by the criteria of considering the specifics of the socio-economic nature of recreation, optimizing the description of recreation as a prediction object, consistency and similarity, etc., which makes it possible to increase their interrelation with prediction methods in conducting the theoretical and methodical analysis of equilibrium states of recreational activities. There proposed a comprehensive approach to synthesizing methods for predicting the balanced development of recreation, which manifests itself in the determined closeness of their internal interrelations. An econometric scenario approach to predictive evaluation of balanced development of recreation in accordance with the continuum from pessimistic to optimistic character of forecasts is also developed.