Field Actions Science Reports (Dec 2017)

Accelerating Sustainable Mobility with Autonomous Vehicles

  • Laura Brimont,
  • Mathieu Saujot,
  • Oliver Sartor


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Autonomous mobility has great potential for transforming mobility, especially towards greater sustainability. But contrary to what advocates of autonomous mobility are saying, its future is far from certain: several different scenarios could play out, both in terms of how they develop and their impacts on the transport system.Public authorities will have a key role to play in steering this technology towards the desirable scenarios and setting the conditions for the integration of autonomous mobility (planning road systems, regulating local mobility, supporting experiments and pricing services).Early on, authorities need to determine under which conditions AVs can help them to achieve their sustainable mobility goals.The private sector also needs to examine how the technological and industrial solutions it develops will be integrated into a sustainable future mobility system.This shared vision of autonomous mobility should be developed with local and national public authorities.
