The Astrophysical Journal (Jan 2023)
ALMA 1.1 mm Observations of a Conservative Sample of High-redshift Massive Quiescent Galaxies in SHELA
We present a sample of 30 massive (log( M _* / M _⊙ ) > 11) z = 3–5 quiescent galaxies selected from the Spitzer-HETDEX Exploratory Large Area (SHELA) Survey and observed at 1.1 mm with Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 6 observations. These ALMA observations would detect even modest levels of dust-obscured star formation, on the order of ∼20 M _⊙ yr ^−1 at z ∼ 4 at the 1 σ level, allowing us to quantify the amount of contamination from dusty star-forming sources in our quiescent sample. Starting with a parent sample of candidate massive quiescent galaxies from the Stevans et al. v1 SHELA catalog, we use the Bayesian B agpipes spectral energy distribution fitting code to derive robust stellar masses ( M _* ) and star formation rates (SFRs) for these sources, and select a conservative sample of 36 candidate massive ( M _* > 10 ^11 M _⊙ ) quiescent galaxies, with specific SFRs >2 σ below the Salmon et al. star-forming main sequence at z ∼ 4. Based on the ALMA imaging, six of these candidate quiescent galaxies show the presence of significant dust-obscured star formation, and thus were removed from our final sample. This implies a ∼17% contamination rate from dusty star-forming galaxies with our selection criteria using the v1 SHELA catalog. This conservatively selected quiescent galaxy sample at z = 3–5 will provide excellent targets for future observations to constrain better how massive galaxies can both grow and shut down their star formation in a relatively short period.