The Pan African Medical Journal (Nov 2012)
Unusual gastric band migration outcome: distal small bowel obstruction and coming out per-rectum
We describe a case of unusual gastric band migration outcome. A 54 years old female was submitted to laparoscopic adjustable gastric band in September 2001. In September 2009 she developed access-port infection which needed drainage and access-port removal. Three months later in December 2009 the patient was investigated due to abdominal pain and abdominal distention. X-rays and Abdomen CT revealed migrated gastric band which is completely intraluminal with its connecting tube, causing transient distal small bowel obstruction and subsequently comes out per-rectum. Band erosion and intragastric migration is a late complication that frequently needs surgical removal. There are few reported cases in the literature of migrated gastric band removal by endoscopy. However according to my knowledge, this is the first reported case of migrated gastric band coming out per rectum without need for surgical or enoscoipic removal.