Medicina (Aug 2017)
Potential years of life lost and mortality trend in the adult population in a municipality of Triângulo Mineiro, 1996-2013
Introduction: the epidemiological analysis of mortality is an important process for the recognition of the living conditions and health of the population, offering support to the planning of actions, prioritization, and allocation of resources to specific health problems, especially when considering populations with greater expression of the adult age group. With this, the concern to recognize the main causes of death and analysis of the Potential Years of Lost Life emerges. Study model: observational, ecological, temporal trend, by identifying the main causes of death, through accumulated frequency and analysis of epidemiological indicators: mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants and Potential Years of Lost Life, by adult age and Sex, from 1996 to 2013. Aim of the study: analyze trend of deaths in the adult population in a municipality of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil. Results: 9,595 deaths occurred for adults, with diseases of the circulatory system (n = 2.244) being the most prevalent cause of death and death due to external causes, the most premature (mean of 37.84 years, 95% CI:36.25-38.58). There is an upward trend in deaths due to neoplasia, both sexes and age range from 40 to 59 years, in addition to the group of External Causes and Respiratory System Diseases. Conclusions: despite the limitations, the use of information systems should be encouraged in studies that may support local management in the best outline of actions and the back-up of care for the prevention of premature deaths.