Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Društva (Jan 2018)
Morphostructure relations on the territory of the Republic of Serbia
The paper presents author's views on morphostructural relations on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which are presented graphically in the form of overview (reduced) morphostructural map in the scale of 1:2,000,000 to 1:2,500,000. The methodology of making morphostructural map, its content and the way of data pre-sentation was considered. Special attention has been paid to morphostructures, the determination of the origin and the difference between structural, morphostructural and morphosculpture relief forms. A brief overview of the geological structure, as well as the geomorphological characteristics of geotectonic, i.e. morphostructural units, is given. Finally, the geomorphological history, morphogenesis and the evolution of the relief of Serbia, from the beginning of the Miocene to the present is presented.