Studia Iuridica Lublinensia (Jun 2020)
Compensation Payable to the Co-owner for the Exclusive Use of the Co-owned Property by Another Co-owner and Member of His Household. Gloss to the Decision of the Supreme Court of 11 January 2018 (III CSK 349/16)
The findings presented in the commentary aim at assessing the legitimacy of the Supreme Court’s view expressed in the decision of 11 January 2018 (III CSK 349/16), according to which the co-owner is obliged towards other co-owners excluded from holding and using the item being the object of fractional ownership to pay the compensation for the use of this item by his household member. The discussion covers the concept and civil-law status of the household member and the admissibility of accepting the household member by the co-owner of a property owned as a fractional ownership. The problems of the co-owner’s liability for the behaviour of the household member and the liability of the household member for his/her own behaviour towards the co-owners deprived of the use of the joint property were also discussed.