Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports (Apr 2016)
Acquired seminal vesicle cyst in a teenager with a urethral stricture of unknown etiology
A seminal vesicle cyst remains a very rare diagnosis. Though most seminal vesicle cysts in the pediatric population are congenital and associated with ipsilateral upper urinary tract anomalies. We present a unique case of a 16-year-old with a small seminal vesicle cyst with normal upper urinary tract anatomy. This cyst was associated with urethral inflammation and stricture within the bulbar urethra, it is likely that this individual had an acquired seminal vesicle cyst at an abnormally young age although it is possible the cyst became inflamed and induced the urethral stricture. Despite the fact that the cause of his urethral pathology is unknown, the patient had nearly complete resolution of lower urinary tract signs and symptoms by the time of his follow-up visits at 1 week and 1 month.