Interprofessionnalité en santé mentale : le cas des dispositifs conventionnels et non conventionnels en Lorraine
Based on psychological and anthropological research on the analysis of alternative mental health systems in Lorraine, entitled Altermental, this article examines the systematic degradation of the place of psychotherapy in public psychiatric care and the rise of alternative systems in mental health, in a context where conventional and non-conventional systems are in a situation of interprofessional competition. The analyses are based on interviews conducted with 29 patients, non-conventional practitioners and conventional practitioners in this region. The analysis of this material shows that the different discourses mostly encourage the complementarity of approaches and the condemnation of strictly alternative paths based on a rejection of biomedical care. The drifts and tensions lead to a critical comparison of the two types of care practices. The deterioration of the conditions of psychiatry practice and the decline of the paternalist medical figure are recognized – including by conventional practitioners – as systemic parameters that must be considered in order to analyze the evolution of this situation.