Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (Sep 2015)
Słowiańskie nazwy ‘brwi’ w świetle materiałów gwarowych i źródeł historycznych
Slavic names for ‘eyebrows’ in light of dialectal materials and historical sources ‘Eyebrows’ have in OlA only several more frequent names (that are marked on the map by areas), the remaining ones occupy small areas or are absolutely rare. The most frequent names are those connected with the core *-brъv-, that are internally very different. There is an expressive contrast/opposition between the northern area with forms from *brъv- and the large southern area with the forms from prefixed *obrъv-. The forms from the core *-brъv- are also divided into two areas due to the preservation of the indigenous [old Slavonic semivowel] “jor/jer”: in the west, the forms with the disappeared weak “jor” exist in the west, while in the each these forms show its secondary vocalization. These macro-divisions also include the differentiations that are the result of morphological transformations of primary forms *bry, *brъve and *obry, *obrъve that show the early transition to -i stems with the accusative form in the nominative case, in turn the transition to former -a stems or to former -ja stems, the emergence of the secondary form of the neuter *obrъvьje, and finally – most probably due to the treatment of the form of the singular of the feminine gender *(o)brъva as the plural form and its depluralization – the emergence of the singular of the neuter *(o)brъvo. Vast areas are formed by forms from *vědja (in pl *vědję or *vědji) in the eastern part of the southern Slavic languages and by forms from the base *ob-oč- (or most frequently *//obočьje) in the Czech Republic, Morava and Slovakia and as the island-like presence can be found in Lusatia (Łużyce) and in Hungary.