臺灣教育社會學研究 (Dec 2014)

全球化、新自由主義績效責任體系與教育 Globalization and Education within a System of Neoliberal Accountability

  • Anthony Gary Dworkin,
  • Pamela F. Tobe

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 2
pp. 1 – 31


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全球化對於已開發及開發中國家之教育系統,皆已發生深遠的影響,而且其中有不少的影響結果,不在原先預期的範圍之內。本文探討全球化的一個重要面向,即新自由主義在教育系統所推動的績效責任與管控機制,特別是那些跟學校及其成員利害攸關的績效責任措施。基本上,績效責任的想法,多少帶有不信任其評核對象的性質。績效責任的措施,改變了學校、教職人員以及大社會之間的信賴關係,使之變成公事公辦的工作合同及科層管理,這也打破了學校人員與社會之間原訂的社會契約,因為學校人員(尤其是教師)通常要的是穩定的工作,而非較高的報酬。這樣的轉變,造成一些意料之外的結果,包括「玩弄制度」及教師士氣下降。 Globalization has had a profound effect on educational systems in developed and developing nations, with many of its consequences being unanticipated. This essay addresses one salient component of globalization, the neoliberal push for increased accountability and conformity (a mechanism for social control) within educational systems. Especially relevant are those accountability mandates that have high-stakes consequences for schools and school employees. By its very nature accountability expectations imply a degree of distrust of those being assessed. The nature of the trust relationships between schools, school personnel and the larger society have been altered by accountability mandates. Relational trust has become more bureaucratic and may be seen as violating the original social contract between school personnel and the society, where less competitive salaries were accepted in exchange for job security. The unanticipated consequences include “gaming the system” and diminished employee morale.
