Paediatrica Indonesiana (Aug 2012)

Chest x-ray findings and outcomes of children with suspected ventilator .. associated pneumonia

  • Neni Sumarni,
  • Muhammad Sholeh Kosim,
  • Mohammad Supriatna,
  • Eddy Sudijanto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 52, no. 4
pp. 233 – 8


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Background Ventilator􀁖associated pneumonia (VAP) is a nosocomial infection in patients who have received mechanical ventilation (MV), either by endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy, for more than 48 hours. YAP represents 80% of all hospital􀁖acquired pneumonias. VAP incidence varies from 5.1 %􀁖33.3%. The modified clinical pulmonary infection score is a criteria for diagnosing suspected YAP and typically includes radiographic evidence. YAP is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Objective To determine the relationship between chest x􀁖ray findings and outcomes in children Mth suspected VAP. Methods This retrospective study was held in Dr. Kariadi Hospital from January - December 2010. Data was collected from medical records of pediatric ICU (PICU) patients with suspected VAP. Chest x􀁖ray findings and patient outcomes were recorded. X􀁖ray findings were assessed by the on􀁖duty radiologist. Chi square test was used for statistical analysis. Results Subjects were 30 children consisting of 14 males and 16 females. Patient outcomes were 23 patients survived and 7 patients died. Chest x􀁖ray findings were categorized into the following groups and compared to patient survivability: diffuse infiltrates 76.7% (OR􀁗0.694; P􀁗0.532; 95% CI 0.102 to 4.717), localhed infiltrates 13.3% (OR􀁗4.200; P􀁗 0.225; 95% CI 0.470 t037.49), and no infiltrates 10% (OR􀁗 1.222; P􀁗 0.436; 95% CI 0.593 to 0.926). None of the x􀁖ray findings had a significant correlation to patient outcomes. Conclusion There was no significant relationship between chest x􀁖ray findings and outcomes in children with suspected VAP. [Paediatr rndones. 2012;52:233-8].
